Job advertisement

Vacancy ID: 069/2025
Closing date: 2025-04-30


The Friedrich Schiller University Jena is a dynamic and innovation-driven university centrally located in Germany. With a broad range of disciplines, it shapes the future through excellent research and teaching. Its scientific excellence is reflected in the profile lines Light – Life – Liberty, which provide pioneering insights and sustainable solutions for the society of tomorrow. Through close collaborations with leading research institutions, innovative companies, and renowned cultural organizations, it advances interdisciplinary developments. With around 17,000 students and approximately 10,000 employees, it defines Jena as a vibrant, internationally connected city of science and innovation.

The University of Jena, Institute for Slavic languages and Caucasus Studies of the Faculty of Arts in cooperation with the Institute of Political Science seek to fill the position of

Postdoctoral Researcher in Caucasus Studies

commencing on 01 October 2025. We offer a full-time position (100% / 40 hours per week) for an initial period of 3 years.

Potential applicants should complement the Chair's profile in terms of research areas. They should have a completed Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in political science, and have experience in research and teaching pertaining to the post-Soviet region. They should be able to independently develop, conduct, and evaluate courses for the Bachelor's and Master's modules (Introduction to Caucasus Studies, History of the Caucasus, Cultures and Ethnic Groups in the Caucasus). Courses on the conflicts in the region, nationalism, regional integration, the role of Russia, and the work of international organizations in the region (EU, OSCE, etc.) are also suitable.
Research experience in Georgia or another South Caucasus country as well as expertise in empirical research methods and theories are particularly desirable. Applicants are expected to be embedded in international research contexts, to continue and expand the Chair's existing internal and external collaborations in research and teaching, and to have teaching experience in the field. This also includes support in the organization and implementation of ongoing projects (Jena-Cauc 2.0, DGW German-Georgian Science Network), as well as active participation in the preparation and application of new project proposals.

Your responsibilities:

    • Teaching various courses for BA and MA programs in the fields of Caucasus Studies and Political Science (also in the Master International Organizations and Crisis Management)
    • Organizational support of the department (e.g. colloquium for young researchers)
    • Active participation in current and future projects (e.g. Jena-Cauc 2.0, DGW German-Georgian Science Network)
    • Maintenance of the department's website (
    • Writing of a habilitation (cumulative) in Political Science/Caucasus Studies, in accordance with the thematic profile of the Department (Caucasus) and supervised jointly with Political Science (Prof. Dr. Rafael Biermann)

Your profile:

    • PhD in political science with a focus on international relations and/or peace and conflict research
    • Research experience in the post-Soviet region (Caucasus and/or other post-Soviet regions)
    • Very good knowledge of (qualitative) methods of political science and willingness to teach
    • Very good knowledge of English and the willingness and ability to teach in English
    • Knowledge of Russian (at least A2) and/or knowledge of Georgian, Armenian or Azerbaijani, or willingness to acquire the necessary language skills in a timely manner
    • Knowledge of German (at least A2) in order to be able to communicate with the university administration, or strong willingness to acquire this in the first year
    • Competence in research project acquisition and implementation
    • Knowledge of website maintenance, basic knowledge of graphic design and web design, or willingness to acquire these skills in the near future
    • Willingness to participate in academic self-administration

    Possible qualification profiles (for the habilitation)

    • Peace and conflict research, in particular ethnic conflicts, nationalism, secession and international crisis management
    • Europeanization, in particular the EU's European Neighbourhood Policy
    • Engagement of international organizations in the post-Soviet region (EU, NATO, OSCE, CIS, etc.)

We offer:

    • Remuneration based on the provisions of the Collective Agreement for the Public Sector of the Federal States (TV-L) at salary scale E-13 — depending on the candidate’s personal qualifications—, including a special annual payment in accordance with the collective agreement (if applicable)
    • Exciting and varied fields of activity with creative freedom for your own research
    • Collaboration in an interdisciplinary team with expertise on the entire Caucasus region that is unique in Germany
    • Embedding in network structures with renowned universities and research institutions in Germany and abroad
    • Supervision of the habilitation thesis
    • Support for individual development and qualification in teaching and research
    • A family-friendly working environment with a wide range of offers for families: university family office (JUniFamilie) and flexible childcare (JUniKinder)
    • 30 days of vacation per calendar year plus two days off on December 24 and 31

In principle, the position is also suitable for part-time employment. The extent to which a part-time request can be granted, in particular with regard to the location and extent of part-time work, will be examined on the basis of the needs of the service.

Candidates with severe disabilities will be given preference in the case of equal qualifications and suitability.

Are you eager to work for us? Then please apply with complete application documents in pdf format (CV, letter of motivation, certificates, transcript of records if applicable, two-page outline of ideas for the habilitation project, one relevant publication) and the contact details of two references by 30 April 2025 using our online form.

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